Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Advice #2

Alright all you cooks! Lets hear what yummy things you can come up with!!

My 13 yr old daughter started showing a real interest in learning to cook last year. She asked if i could teach her to cook so she can learn how to be a good mom. I was flattered she came to me and we started a new segment on our blog called "Cooking with Jordan". it was so much fun. I really enjoyed teaching her how to make some of her favorite meals that i have made for our family. She enjoyed watching the magic of a few simple ingredients turning into something delicious. We started a recipe book filled with pictures of her making the meals, that i hope to help her fill so that she might use it with her children and start the tradition with them. I would love to learn more recipes that are somewhat simple to make but healthy and delicious. So i am curious to know if anyone has some suggestions or a recipe blog that they would recommend to us. here is a link to all of the Cooking with Jordan posts 1-10

I am always in the need of some fun recipes so I am really excited to see what you cook, bake, broil and saute in your homes.


Mamarazzi said...

woooo hooo!! i am excited to see what yummy recipes come in!

Beth said...

Here is a neat cook book for kids!
It's Better Homes & Gardens' Snack Attack!

It has some fun and simple recipes for snacks, goodies and mini-meals.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!! is a personal favorite :) is another HUGE favorite!

Dr. Wifey said...

my bloggy friend deanna has a cooking corner and she posts some excellent recipes...check her out

Kimberly said...

New to your blog, I think it will be fun for people to share recipes.